Kagame Jean

2024 McCall MacBain Scholar

McGill Faculty of Law, BCL/JD, Law

McGill University (BSW'19)

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Kagame is a social worker for CISSS de la Côte-Nord, an integrated health and social services centre. He previously worked for the Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay, in northern Quebec, where he lived for three years. He volunteers as a personal support worker for the elderly and co-leads a social enterprise producing and purifying water for rural communities in Malawi. During his undergraduate studies at McGill as a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, Kagame organized an annual commemoration of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and led the African students' society. He also led an intramural volleyball team. Kagame has been admitted to law school at McGill, and hopes to pursue a career promoting human rights and legal inclusion in East Africa.