Kyla Christianson

2023 McCall MacBain Scholar

McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, MScA, Advanced Nursing

University of British Columbia Okanagan (BSN’23)

Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Kyla studied nursing at the University of British Columbia, Okanagan campus, and served as a student senator. She co-founded a Rotary Youth Exchange (ROTEX) club for past, present, and future international exchange students and, building on this experience, was elected co-president of ROTEX International. Kyla also volunteered with UBC Okanagan’s emergency first response team and the nursing course union. She was a member of The President’s UBC Okanagan Non-Academic Misconduct Committee. After completing her bachelor’s degree, she began a master’s degree in advanced nursing with a concentration in global health at McGill.

The beauty of nursing is that there are so many avenues to effect change and improve people’s lives.
Read more: Q&A with Kyla Christianson